Anxiety/Panic Disorders Chat

Connecting - AOL

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For AOL users:

Because AOL does not try to handle abusive users, Starchat has decided to force AOL users have a registered nick.   Since you can't issue commands without a registered nick, you must pre-register your nick.  Once you have a registered nick, you must issue a special command to have your text seen.

AOL Instructions

AOL Pre-registration

Please note that you must use a valid AOL e-mail address in the registration process, but this is only for the registration.  You are not required to use that e-mail address when you configure your IRC client.  Unfortunately, the registration process can be slow.  Once you fill out the registration form, you must wait for an e-mail.  It can take a few hours or even a day to get this e-mail.  You must then reply to the e-mail per instructions in that e-mail.  Once you reply, the process is quick and you should be able to connect.  Once connected, be sure to identify using the special command "/quote identify {password}".  Where {password} is the phrase you provided on pre-registering.

Goto Top

Last change: 2003-10-19